Points of Pride
Carpenter Elementary is proud of the education we provide to our students. Our dedicated staff, high level of student commitment and engagement, and parental involvement in the educational process allows our students to have a very rich educational experience. We focus on providing an optimal environment for students to grow and thrive, both academically and socially. Our points of pride include:
· Being recognized as a National and Michigan Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
· Consistently performing above district, county, and state standards on academic assessments
· Our commitment to school improvement that extends beyond traditional schooling and focuses on the skills and dispositions that students will need when they leave school
· Consistently being awarded grants that fund opportunities for students
· A Parent-Teacher Council that supports our school community both financially and in providing opportunities for families to interact
· Our commitment to current best practice regarding safety and security
· Having a diverse blend of staff members who can both mentor and provide fresh, innovative ideas to the building
· Being a host site for the Blessings in a Backpack program
· The implementation of the Positivity Project
· Our Family-School Coordinator and Early Reading Intervention programs
· Our Media Center was recognized as the state’s inaugural Model SL 21 School Library of the Year in 2016-17 for the State of Michigan
· An engaging office staff that is committed to customer service
· The allowance of common planning time for staff
· A building-wide intervention time in which identified student skill gaps are supported