Good morning Carpenter families!
I would like to welcome all of our new families joining us this year, and welcome back all of our outstanding returning families! I have a few attachments for you located within this email. First, please find attached below important information regarding food allergy protocol for Carpenter. This protocol will be consistent across all elementary buildings in Lake Orion. Also attached below are forms for a medical alert plan and authorization to administer medication. If your child will need medication administered during school or there is a need for a plan to be on file for a medical condition, we will need these forms signed by their physician and returned to the main office as soon as possible.
Parent letter for allergy protocol.pdf
Medical Alert Plan.pdf
Authorization to administer medication.pdf
Attached below please see important information regarding our protocol for volunteering/fingerprinting. As some of you may recall, the district adopted new fingerprinting protocol in recent years. The attached letter is a reminder of this protocol.
Parent letter for fingerprinting protocol.pdf
Also attached below you will find a letter explaining our parking lot and pick-up/drop-off procedures for the upcoming school year. As a reminder, our school day will begin at 8:50 a.m. and end at 3:50 p.m. for students.
Parking Lot, Pick-up, and Drop-off Procedures 19-20.pdf
I also wanted to make everyone aware that there is a lot of road construction currently happening and planned to occur in the Carpenter area (Maybee Rd., Baldwin Rd., etc.) that will affect traffic and bussing at times this year. This is obviously something that is beyond our control. I truly appreciate all of your patience with this as we all work together to keep our children safe at all times with transportation, cross walks, biking, etc.
Finally, there will be an informal meet and greet opportunity for you and your child to meet their teacher on Wednesday, August 28 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. at Carpenter.
Enjoy these last couple weeks of summer break and I look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Mr. Weldon