New Student Enrollment
Online registration via PowerSchool Enrollment
New Student Enrollment 2025-26
New Student Enrollment 2024-25
Questions regarding student enrollment may be addressed to the
Central Enrollment Office at 248-814-0215 or email
Enrollment registration must be completed online via PowerSchool Enrollment. It is advised to have the following required documents ready for upload before you start the New Student Enrollment.
Required items may be uploaded via scanned documents from your computer, cell phone, or tablet. You may also take a clear digital photo from your cell phone and upload the image. Please use a well-lit area, uncluttered background, image is flat to the surface, no camera shadows and do not reduce the size/quality of the image.
You may submit the enrollment registration without documentation and schedule an appointment to bring documentation in-person.
Missing documents may delay your child’s start date. If you are having any issues providing the required documents, please contact our office for assistance.
Enrollment Requirements
Only a parent or legal guardian may enroll a child. The guardian must present a court-appointed Guardianship Order and the placement plan AT THE TIME OF ENROLLMENT.
- Original, certified birth certificate. Certified translation required if not in English.
- Parent/guardian photo identification (driver’s license, passport or Military ID).
- Two (2) current and complete proofs of residency. The proof of residency must show the property/service address, parent name, current date and company name. Please include the entire bill.
- Established Resident: Mortgage statement, property tax statement, current utility bill, homeowner’s insurance policy - Declarations Page, trash service, cable/internet bill, water or sewer bill.
- New Resident: Closing Documents: Property transfer affidavit and homeowner's insurance policy - Declarations Page.
- Renters: Current Lease (with your child's name on the Lease Agreement) with date, name, address and signatures, current utility bill, renter’s insurance policy - Declarations Page, trash service, cable/internet bill, water or sewer bill.
- Living with a Resident: Resident must supply photo ID, two (2) current and complete proofs of residency in their name (see above) and complete a Shared Household Residency Affidavit - signed by resident, parent/guardian of student(s) and must be notarized. The Central Enrollment office will notarize enrollment forms at no cost.
- Purchase Agreement: You may provide a Purchase Agreement as a temporary proof of residency to schedule your student in school. Final proofs of residency must be supplied within 30 days of closing: Two (2) current and complete proofs of residency required (see above).
- Current Immunization Record. Michigan Law requires all children to have ALL required immunizations or a valid immunization waiver (dated in the current calendar year) from the Health Department on file PRIOR TO STARTING SCHOOL.
- Student's transcript (grades 9-12), behavior report (grades 6-12), and recent report card (grades K-8) from previous school.
- Name, address, fax and phone number of previous school will be required within the online enrollment portal.
- DEVELOPMENTAL KINDERGARTEN and KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS ONLY: Age Waiver - Required for students turning 5 years old between Sept. 2 and Dec. 1. Health Appraisal, Dental, Vision and Hearing Screening: If not available during the online enrollment portal, please provide before/by the 1st day of school.
- Divorce/Custody documents
- SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS: Copy of most recent IEP and MET from previous school
- 504 documentation
NOTICE: Please enter the Community Education Resource Center via Stadium Drive, park in north parking lot and enter thru security at door #10.
To contact Central Enrollment:
- Call 248-814-0215
- Email
- DropBox: Community Education Resource Center - 455 E. Scripps Rd., Lake Orion, Southwest corner of the Staff parking lot under the West Door Entrance sign. Do not drop off originals.