Human Resources
The Human Resources Department provides a variety of services and support to the district beginning with the recruitment and retention of top quality employees and assisting them with a variety of professional needs and services from initial orientation to retirement. The Human Resources Department also serves the Board of Education in the negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and the implementation of personnel policies and procedures, provides guidance and support to administrators and direct advice and service to all employees regarding employee benefits and personnel procedures.
Prospective Employees
Certified and Support Staff
Adam Weldon
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
315 N. Lapeer Street
Lake Orion, MI 48362
Phone: 248-693-5400
Lisa Barry
Administrative Assistant
- Job Postings
- New Hire Paperwork
- LOEA Lane Changes
- Certifications
- Seniority List
- TalentEd Perform
- Tenure
State/Federal Reporting
Natalie Cox
Human Resources Coordinator
- Job Postings
- New Hire Paperwork
- Transfer/Promotions
- Online application support
- Seniority List
- TalentEd Perform
- Worker's Compensation
Volunteer/Chaperone Background Check Guidelines
Fingerprint Inquiries
Absence Management and SubFinder Support
Phones: 248-693-5600
(internal extension #6494)
Laura Wernette
Benefits Coordinator
- Employee Benefit Programs
- Voluntary Benefits
- FMLA/Leave of Absence