Student cell phone/Technology policy
Lake Orion Community Schools Use of Personal Technology Devices --Student Handbook
Definition of Personal Technology Device
Personal Technology Devices, or “PTD”: Includes, but is not limited to, a user’s own laptop, smartphone, eReader, iPad, etc., that is used on school property, and is approved for such use. Not all devices are approved for use on school property. Devices that are dangerous or potentially dangerous are not approved for use at any time. The School District reserves the right to limit the types of devices that are approved for use on school property.
Use of PTD is a privilege, not a right, and the building principal has the right to limit, restrict, or prohibit a student from using PTD on school property. In addition, the user may be subject to discipline procedures. Discipline procedures would be in addition to a possible loss of technology use privileges.
Student Use of a Technology Device
Students may use their Personal Technology Devices during the school day during passing time, in hallways, and during their lunch period. Personal Technology Devices may not be used in the classroom, unless permission is granted from the classroom teacher. Devices may not be used during assemblies, speakers, or emergency drills.
Discipline Procedure for students violating classroom rules
1st Offense: device is confiscated by the classroom teacher and turned into the main office. Phone call to parents to pick up the device (same day)
2nd Offense: device is confiscated by the classroom teacher and turned into the main office. Phone call to parents to pick up the device. 2 hours of detention assigned.
3rd Offense: device is confiscated by the classroom teacher and turned into the main office. Phone call to parents to pick up the device. 1 day of out of school suspension assigned.
Refusal to hand over the device: Gross Insubordination: Automatic 1 day of out of school suspension.
Discipline Procedure for students violating Student Acceptable Use Agreement
Student violations of the Student Acceptable Use Agreement will be classified into one of three different levels depending upon the severity of the violation. Discipline would be in addition to a possible loss of technology use privileges. Violations range between 1-22 demerit points with consequences that may include warnings, detention(s), out of school suspension of up to 10 days, and/or possible expulsion from Lake Orion Community Schools. All discipline guidelines depend upon the severity of the event. Violations that include illegal activity will be referred to the Oakland County Sheriff Police Liaison Officer for possible prosecution.
- Level One Violation (1-7 demerit points, 1-2 hours of detention assigned)
Examples of Level One Violation: (include but not limited to) (all violations are subject to greater demerit point assignment and/or additional consequences based upon administrator discretion)
Use of another person’s account/address/password is prohibited. Students may not allow other users to utilize their passwords.
Students are expected to be polite, courteous, and respectful in their messages to others. Use of language appropriate to school situations in any communications made through the District’s computers/network or PTD is expected. Use of obscene, profane, vulgar, sexually explicit, defamatory, abusive or threatening language in your messages is prohibited.
Downloading of any materials onto District’s technology devices requires teacher approval. A student will be liable for any transfers or downloads that affect the network or any district owned technology and all repair costs.
Students should never transmit media or other information that could be used to establish identity without prior approval of a teacher.
All communications and information accessible via technology should be assumed to be copyrighted and/ or trademarked. All copyright issues regarding software, information, and attributions of authorship must be respected.
Information (including tests, graphics, audio, video, etc.) from copyrighted or trademarked sources used in student papers, reports and projects should be cited the same as references to printed materials.
- Level Two Violations (8-15 demerit points, 1-3 days of Out of School Suspension assigned)
Examples of Level Two Violations: (include but not limited to)
Students may not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, data or passwords belonging to other users, or misrepresent other users on the network.
Intentionally or willfully bypassing the District’s internet security software is prohibited.
Disclosure, use and/or dissemination of personal identification information of minors via technology is prohibited, except as expressly authorized by the minor student’s parent/guardian on the authorization form.
- Level Three Violations (16-22 demerit points, 4-10+ days of Out of School Suspension Assigned)
Examples of Level Three Violations: (include but not limited to)
Students may not engage in “hacking” or other unlawful activities.
Transmission of any material in violation of any State or Federal law or regulation or Board policy is prohibited.
Students may not use devices to record, transmit or post images or video of a person, or persons on campus during school activities and/or hours, unless otherwise allowed by a teacher or school administrator. (in compliance with the authorization form)
Use of technology to access, process, distribute, display or print pornography and other materials that are obscene, objectionable, inappropriate and/or harmful to minors is prohibited. Using technology for sending offensive messages, pictures, inappropriate text files, or files dangerous to the integrity of the District’s computers/ network (e.g., viruses) are prohibited.
Malicious use of District technology to develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computer system and/or damage the software components of a computer or computing system is prohibited. Students may not use technology in such a way that would disrupt their use by others. Students must avoid wasting limited resources.
Unlawful or Illegal Activities
In addition to District violations, any behavior that involves unlawful or illegal activities will be referred to the Oakland County Sheriff Department for possible prosecution.
Lost, Stolen or Damaged Devices
Each user is responsible for his/her device, and should treat it and use it responsibly and appropriately. Lake Orion Community Schools takes no responsibility for stolen, lost or damaged devices, including lost or corrupted data on those devices.