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Hearing, Vision and Dental Screening Information

Hearing and Vision Screening 

Michigan Law (Public Health Code – Act 368 of 1978 and the 1995 Revised School Code, Act 291) mandates hearing and vision screening before kindergarten entry. The goal of the law is early identification and treatment of hearing and vision problems that can affect the child’s ability to learn. Michigan Law also requires school officials to enter vision screening data into the MCIR system for all kindergarten entrants by November 1 of each year. 

During enrollment, please review the child’s hearing and vision screening status and inform the parent of the screening mandate. By the first day of school, kindergartners must have within their school record written documentation of a hearing and vision screening completed by a health department technician, a physician, or an eye doctor. Although the Public Health Code rules state hearing and vision screening shall be done at least once during the ages of 3 through 5 years, best practice is within six to twelve months of entering kindergarten. 

To aid parents in meeting the mandate, the Oakland County Health Division offers free hearing and vision screening by appointment for children who live or learn in Oakland County at four locations. To ensure that children are screened by the first day of school, parents should be encouraged to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Enclosed is a copy of our flyer which you may duplicate and distribute to parents who wish to register their child for school. Flyer copies in Spanish and Arabic are also available on our website at


Hearing and Vision assessment

Kindergarten Dental Screening Program 

The Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment law [Public Health Code Act 368 Section 333.9316] was passed to ensure that children entering their first year of school can receive an oral health assessment (dental screening) prior to starting school. Dental cavities are a common childhood illness. A dental screening can help identify oral health problems and assist families in finding dental resources to address those concerns. Oral health is important to overall health and the ability to learn, grow and thrive! 

Oakland County Health Division now offers free Kindergarten dental screenings in Oakland County schools. If your school is interested in receiving in-school kindergarten dental screenings, please contact Lisa Dobias at (248) 858-1306 or email at or visit the State of Michigan website at:

Thank you for assuring that your kindergartners will have access to health services to help them do their best as they enter this new and exciting learning phase of their lives. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Oakland County Health Division: 

Kindergarten Dental assessment