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Title IX

Lake Orion Community  Schools prohibits unlawful sex discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, in any of its education programs or activities in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and corresponding implementing regulations.  If an employee or student believes that he or she has been discriminated against in violation of Title IX, please reference the District’s Title IX Grievance Procedures below.

LOCS Board of Education Policies

Title IX coordinators

The District designates the following people as the Title IX Coordinators: 

Adam Weldon

Adam Weldon

Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Title IX Coordinator

315 N. Lapeer St.

Lake Orion, MI 48362


Heidi Mercer

Andrea Curtis

Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance, Title IX Coordinator

315 N. Lapeer St.

Lake Orion, MI 48362
