Frequently Asked Questions
- Attendance
- Academics
- Communications
- Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Counseling
- General Information
- Athletics and Activities
1. What is the attendance philosophy?
We believe in the value of every student being in every class, every day. Regular attendance is necessary if students are to receive full benefit from their educational experiences. The benefits of class discussion, individual student participation, teacher lectures and other classroom activities cannot be made up by those who are absent. A student’s academic standing may be affected by his or her absenteeism. School attendance is the joint responsibility of the students, parents, and school.
Tardy Policy Part of the student’s responsibility as their maturity evolves, is not only regular attendance, but prompt attendance. Students are expected to arrive at scheduled classes/activities on time. At the high school, the following does not count against any attendance cap:
• Late bus
• Written verified detainment by school personnel
• Approved participation in a school-based activity.
Students are required to be in the classroom PRIOR to the tardy bell. Any student who is less than 5 minutes late, will receive a TARDY (T) in their attendance for that hour. Should a student be more than 5 minutes late to a class, they will be marked ABSENT (A).
What if my student is tardy for 1st hour? For 1st period only, if a student is less than 10 minutes late, they will receive a “T”. If more than 10 minutes late to 1st hour, students will be marked “A”. Please note, the school messenger system will call the student’s home the day of each tardy and/or absence.
Tardies and absences are counted per class for the 10-week term and are subject to consequences as stated on our school website.
2.How do I call in my student’s absence, late arrival, or early dismissal for appointments?
Under the new attendance procedure, parents no longer will have to call the Attendance Office to excuse their child for late arrival or absence. You will receive an automated message noting your child’s absence.
To excuse your child for early dismissal on a particular school day, LOHS has implemented School Dismissal Manager (SDM) for parents to conveniently communicate early student departures from school. The SDM program is accessible on either computer or smartphone, allowing parents to officially submit an early dismissal without calling the attendance office. Because the SDM dismissal process is the preferred method for dismissing your student early from school, we are asking that all parents create an account. Parents will receive more information in August to set up an SDM account.
3.What is the latest time of day that I can call to dismiss my student from school?
Although emergency type dismissal calls can be made at any time, we require allow their dismissal requests be made prior to 1:45 pm each day through the School Dismissal Manager system (see #2). Please note: 1:45pm is the last time slot you can choose, but if you don’t need your student dismissed until later make that note in the comments section.
4.How do I inform the school about an upcoming long-term absence for mystudent?
While an individual daily absence does not need to be called in to the attendance office, long-term absences (2 or more days) should be arranged by filling out a long-term absence form, which can be found in the attendance office.
5.How does my student sign-in when arriving to school late?
Any student arriving to school after 7:30 am must check-in at the front door (main entrance) attendance desk. Students should show their valid school ID card.
6.Where is the Attendance Office and what is their function?
The Attendance Office is located off the main hallway that runs adjacent to the Main Office located near the B wing. The Attendance Office serves as a contact for students and parents for most any issue regarding a student’s attendance needs medication, and parent-student communication.
7.If my student has an unexpected extended absence, can I request some of their homework?
Yes. The best way to acquire some of your student’s homework is to email their teachers or their guidance counselor. In most cases, homework can be delivered directly from the teacher to the student in digital format. You can obtain the email address of your students’ teachers on the high school web page, PowerSchool or by contacting either the main office, attendance office or counseling office.
8.How do we assist our freshmen transitioning from middle school to the high school?
LOHS strives to provide the appropriate attention and focus necessary for our students to achieve academic success throughout high school and beyond. This transitional year from middle school to high school has great influence on a student’s high school behavior and academics. During your student’s freshman year, LOHS staff will focus on creating positive relationships and open communication while delivering a quality education, addressing academic interventions when necessary. Parents should communicate directly with their LOHS counselor at any time should they have specific concerns.
9.What if my student needs academic help? What is available?
Lake Orion Schools publishes a list of adults in the community and staff who offer tutoring services. Your student’s counselor can provide this list. National Honor Society students also offer peer tutoring services. To obtain the list of NHS tutors, students should see their guidance counselor. In addition, all teachers are available for support in their classrooms; students should see their teacher to make arrangements for a scheduled time to meet and receive additional academic assistance.
10.What electives should I take?
Take electives that are interesting to you; not just the ones that your friends are taking! In addition, it is important for freshmen to take elective courses that apply to your chosen Career Pathway.
11.When can I see my student’s teachers?
Parent Teacher Conferences are offered four times a year, usually during the fifth week of each term. Parents are notified of dates and times on the high school website and through school messenger. Academic updates are also provided at conferences. If you would like to contact a teacher at other times throughout the year, you can find teachers’ email addresses on the school web page. Another opportunity to see your student’s teacher is at Curriculum Night at the beginning of each school year.
12.What is PowerSchool?
PowerSchool is software that provides an easy-to-use web-based platform that lets students and families’ access school information from home (grades, attendance information, etc.). All parents should have an account to the PowerSchool “parent”portal rather than visiting their student’s account.
13.Can my student use their cell phone during school hours?
Students may use their cell phone during passing time and their lunch period. Cell phones may not be used in the classroom, unless permission is granted from the classroom teacher. Devices may not be used during assemblies, guest speakers, or emergency drills.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
14.What is Career & Technical Education (CTE)?
Career & Technical Education is part of our process in preparing our students to succeed in their post-high school plans. Throughout their career here at LOHS,students look at their interests and abilities and try to find a pathway of study that aligns with their future goals. The students can then get involved in specific classes and programs to help develop their knowledge and skills related to their interests. Itis an exciting process for the students to become empowered by discovering all the career possibilities that exist and the knowledge of how to achieve their goals.
15.What is the Senior Portfolio?
The Senior portfolio is a collection of your resume, Educational Development Plan, school assignments, awards, pictures, or anything else a student may want to use to demonstrate academic and employability skills. The portfolio will contain a collection of evidence of skills focused through a career pathway. In the classroom, teachers assign various assignments that allow a student to demonstrate proficiency with one of our 21st Century Skill areas. The student begins working on their portfolio during their Freshman or Sophomore Career Foundations class where the teacher will explain the entire process in greater detail. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain their portfolio over the course of four years.
16.What is the Senior Interview?
Seniors are required to perform a Senior Interview where they develop and practice interview skills and present themselves to an interview panel in a professional manner. The prerequisite to performing the Senior Interview is the completion of their Senior Portfolio. Students are provided opportunities to receive assistance with their portfolios and the Senior Interview throughout their high school career, and specifically in the Personal Finance class their senior year. The Senior Interview is a graduation requirement that all seniors must successfully complete.
17.What is the Career Center?
The Career Center, located near the Main Office is where students can go to at anytime to receive information regarding work permits, available jobs, required service hours, college and military information, and receiving assistance on their Educational Development Plans (EDP) in Xello.
18.What is an Educational Development Plan (EDP)?
Xello is the platform LOCS has chosen to help our students complete what is known as their EDPs. Xello helps K–12 students create personalized roadmaps for future success through self-knowledge, exploration, and planning.
Starting in grade seven, school educators or counselors are tasked with helping students begin developing an EDP, each of which will include components like career goals, course selections, career options, and much more.
As students complete the various learning styles and skills assessments in Xello, theirEDP comes to life, and provides them with the reportable metrics needed for success college and career pathway plans. The EDP becomes a personalized, living document via the Shareable plan feature, allowing students to collaborate with educators, counselors, and parents.
19.What are Service Hours?
This program is the integration of education, service, and citizenship into the curriculum. Service learning teaches students how to interact in real life settings using the skills and knowledge learned in the classroom. Providing service to others facilitates the transition from the dependency of childhood to the status of independent, caring adult. Our goal is to help our students to become people who find solutions to problems rather than people who wait for others to respond. Additional information is available in the Career Center or on our websiteX2Vol. All students who complete their summer service hours are required to enter them into NO later than September 30.
Please note, all service hours must be recorded into the system NO later than 30 days after completion of the activity.
20.How does a student request to see their counselor?
A kiosk is in the counseling office to submit a request to see a counselor. After the counselor receives notice of the request, they will send a pass to get the student from their class. It is recommended that students go directly to the Counseling Office to submit requests thru the kiosk; if their counselor is free at that time, they may be able to see their counselor immediately.
21.How does a student get their schedule changed?
If a student wants to change any course requests, he or she will need to contact their high school counselor by June 15 of each school year. Schedule changes will not be permitted after this date unless it is for any of the following reasons: incomplete schedules, a course already taken for credit, a student did not fulfill the course pre-requisites, graduation requirements (seniors), adjustments made for internships, co-op, and dual enrolled students, doctor excuse and/or misplacement in an incorrect course level.
22.Where do I find more information regarding scheduling or school counseling
information?Students can visit the LOHS counseling office at any time; the office is located in the B wing of the building. The direct phone number is (248) 693-5640. The LOHS counseling department website can be found on the school website.
General Information
23.When is Freshman Registration?
Lake Orion Community Schools utilizes an online registration process called PowerSchoolEnrollment. You will receive login information via School Messenger in August to complete your student’s registration. Freshman photo information and additional registration information will be distributed in August.
In late August, students are required to attend an in-person Photo/Schedule Pick-up Day. Information about Photo/Schedule Pick-Up will be communicated to parents in early August.
24.What if my student needs medication during the school day?
You must complete a medication authorization form with the Attendance Office to authorize the distribution of medication which requires a doctor’s signature, for both prescription and “over-the-counter-medication”. Medication needs to be given to the Attendance Office and they will administer the medication as directed by the authorization form. Only medications on the form may be administered.
25.Where can I find a school calendar?
A school wide calendar can be found on the high school webpage under the “About LOHS” tab. Also, calendars are available in the main office throughout the school year.
26.How can I find out if school is cancelled due to inclement weather?
You will be notified of any school closing via school messenger. You can also tune into your local radio and/or television station. Please refrain from calling the school -- it is important that the telephone lines be left open.
27.What is the LOHS “Modified Block” Scheduling?
A student on the “modified block schedule” will have a combination of skinny and block classes. A block class is approximately 90 minutes in length for 10 weeks. A skinny class is approximately 45 minutes in length for 20 weeks, the exception being late start Wednesdays.
28.How does my student access the Student Handbook?
They can access their student handbook by downloading the school app on their smart device. They can also access it on the Lake Orion High School website.
29.Why does my student need to carry their Student ID with them every day at school?
Student IDs are required to utilize some of the school’s essential services; for example, scanning in when late to class, checking out textbooks, library books, and paying for lunch.
30.What if my student loses their Student ID?
Replacement Student ID Cards cost $5. Have your student go to the Attendance Office to have a replacement card made.
31.What if my student’s locker is “jammed” shut or is not working properly?
If your student’s locker is “jammed”, they must come to the main office. A staff member will be asked to assist in the opening of their locker. If the locker continues to be an issue, we will notify our custodial staff to investigate further.
32.Where do students get information regarding the Service-Learning graduation requirement?
All information pertaining to Service Learning is handled by Mrs. Pavelich in the Career Center, located adjacent to the main office. Information on Service Learning is on the high school website and accessed through the X2VOL website at
33.Where do students get work permits?
Work permits are in the Career Center. The forms are to be completed by the employer and student before it is validated in the Career Center.
34.What is a Code Green and a Code Red?
Multiple emergency drills are completed throughout the school year as required by the State of Michigan. Code Red is a lockdown and students remain in their classrooms with the doors locked. A Code Green is a whole school evacuation. Details related to drills are posted in each room and thoroughly reviewed with all staff and students.
35.How much passing time do students have between classes?
Students have 6 minutes between block classes and 4 minutes between skinny classes.
36.What is the library called at the high school?
The LOHS library is called the Learning Center (LC).
37.What are Safe-Ed campus monitors? Campus monitors are in the building to monitor the halls throughout the school day and are at the front desk to check in visitors entering the building to ensure safety. The members of the Safe-Ed team wear bright yellow apparel and are another great resource for our students.
38.Can students drive to school? Seniors and juniors have parking privileges on the LOHS campus. Licensed sophomores may obtain a parking pass for the “sophomore” lot located at the CERC building. Freshmen are prohibited from driving to school. Parking passes may be purchased throughout the school year in the main office. *One day parking passes can be issued for extenuating circumstances.
39.What if my student needs to go home on a different bus? The parent/Guardian needs to call the Main Office before 2 p.m. to request their student ride a different bus.
40.How is lunch scheduled? There are four lunches during third period: A, B, C, D. Your student’s lunch will be determined by their third hour instructor’s assigned lunch. All lunches are closed campus. There is no lunch on Wednesday, but students can bring snacks to eat throughout the day and pizza is available to purchase after school.
Athletics and Activities
41.What is Pay to Participate?
High school athletes pay a one-time $335 athletic participation fee. The fee coversall sports played by an individual student during one school year, with the exception of hockey, water polo, powerlifting, mountain biking and dance which are self-funded. Likewise, ski team members are not required to pay a participation fee as they must purchase a season ski pass at their own expense.
Currently, there is a $745 maximum family fee. Families with multiple athletes, at any level, may take advantage of this reduced rate. This includes families with high school and middle school athletes. In addition, families who qualify for the free or reduced lunch program also qualify for a reduction in the pay-to-participate fee.
42.How do I find out when sports tryouts are?
A list of LOHS sports and the head coaches’ contact information are available on the District website; select “Athletics” under the “Department” heading. The Athletic Office is located in the lower level of the high school. The Athletic Department is a good source for additional sports related information.
43.Where do I find out more information regarding sports schedules, teams, etc.?
Students can visit the LOHS Athletic Department at any time for this information; the office is located in the lower level of the high school near the field house. The direct number is 248-693-5458. The athletic department website can be found at
44.What is Final Forms?
Parents need to register their student athletes on the Lake Orion High School Athletic page. Once on the Athletic page, click on the “Student-Athlete Registration” green button. It will take you to our new enrollment site called Final Forms. You will be asked to enter your student’s e-mail address which will prompt an invitation to FinalForms
LOHS Contacts to know
- Administration
- Athletics
- Attendance
- Career Center
- Counseling
- Main Office
- Parent PowerSchool Access
- Student Services
Dr. Daniel Haas
x 6089
Principal's Secretary
Amy Thebo
x 6089
Associate Principal
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Christopher Bell, Athletic Director |
Sharon Rosen, Athletic Secretary |
Patricia Ester, Attendance Secretary |
Jennifer Ply, Attendance Clerk |
Career Center
Tara Hall, Career Facilitator |
Kristi Pavelich, Service-Learning Facilitator |
Lynne Kneiss, Secretary |
Christy Bell, A-Cot |
Melissa Bruno, Cou-Grz |
Fawn Bullock, Gu-Led |
Michele Novak, Lee-Pep |
Alicia Conner, Peq-Sta |
Scott Boeneman, Ste-Z |
Main Office
Jessica Mardlin, Office Assistant
Parent PowerSchool Access
Amy Thebo Principal’s Secretary
Student Services
Heather Rutledge, Special Ed, Teacher Consultant |
Caroline Redman, Social Worker |
Kari Hays, Special Ed Transition Coordinator |
Stephanie Gardner, Social Worker |
Joshua Kibby, Social Worker |
Jared Wood, School Psychologist |