Service Learning
๐X2VOL LOG IN!!!! Just a reminder- you must log into x2VOL with your school email! And it is VERY picky and case sensitive! Capitalize the FIRST letter in your first and last name or it will NOT let you log in! For example… Same password. If you still experience troubles, click forgot password and it will send a new password link to your school email. (Check both focused and other boxes) and reset the password. Now it should all work for you. Phew! ๐
A comment from a LOHS senior on Service Learning
"By giving up a couple hours to volunteer, you are not only making a big difference in someone else’s life, but you will also create a positive awareness in yourself and it will make you feel happy. You are also learning a lot of valuable skills needed in the future for jobs, life, friends and family. It also opens you up to more people in the community you may have never even knew existed and they can become your best friend. Much more comes from putting yourself out there and helping and volunteering around your community."
20 Service Hours are a graduation requirement for all Lake Orion High School students earning a diploma.
This program is the integration of education, service and citizenship into the curriculum. Service learning (volunteering) teaches students how to interact in real life settings using the skills and knowledge learned in the classroom. Providing service to others facilitates the transition from the dependency of childhood to the status of independent, caring adult. Our goal is to help our students to become people who find solutions to problems rather than people who wait for others to respond.
Service hours are submitted and tracked through the online platform X2VOL.
Questions regarding Service Hours can be emailed to
Service Learning Resources
- Graduation Requirements
- How do I create my X2Vol Account?
- Incoming 2028 Dragon Letter
- How to Complete a Service Hour Submission
- Rules and Regulations of Hours
- Will My Hours Count?
- My submission was denied. Now what?
- x2VOL Opportunities
- Earning additional elective credit through Service Hours
- 2025 Alternative Essay Assignment
- Service Learning Medal
Graduation Requirements
Service Hours are a graduation requirement for all Lake Orion High School students earning a diploma.
- In Order to Walk at Graduation: All Service Hours, along with a completed reflection for each event, must be submitted through each student’s x2VOL account no later than the Friday after Spring Break of your senior year, which is April 4, 2025 for the 2024-25 school year. For 3rd quarter graduates, hours are due the Friday after Winter Break, which is February 21, 2025. For 2nd quarter graduates, hours are due before Holiday Break, December 13, 2024.
- In Order to Receive a Diploma, but not walk at Graduation: All Service hours, along with a completed reflection for each event, must be submitted through each student’s x2VOL account no later than the last school day of May of your senior year.
Requirements for Graduation
Option 1. Basic Requirement:
- Complete 20 service hours at approved locations or activities throughout your 4 years as a student at Lake Orion High School.
- Submit activity information, contact information and a valid reflection for each volunteer experience through your x2VOL account.
- All hours must be verified by a supervisor or coordinator of the activity or event.
- Hours will be applied to your account balance once your participation is verified and a valid reflection is approved.
**Prorating of Service Hours: Students transferring to Lake Orion High School will have a prorated Service Learning requirement. Students must complete 5 hours for each year (or partial year) that they attend Lake Orion High School.
Option 2. Alternative Essay:
In lieu of completing 20 service hours, a student may elect to complete an alternative essay. If a student elects this option, a Service Learning Essay request MUST be submitted in writing, to The portal for submitting the essay will open on the Friday before Winter Break.
How do I create my X2Vol Account?
Incoming Freshmen may register and begin accumulating hours the day AFTER the last day of 8th grade. A letter with registration instructions will be emailed to LOCS students the last day of 8th grade.
How To – Student Login
1. Go to and click JOIN.
2. Click “Complete Registration” button.
3. Type in zip code (48360) and select Search, click LAKE ORION HIGH SCHOOL..
4. Type in your Last Name and Student ID.
5. Enter the remaining profile fields and click proceed. Please use your name as listed in Powerschool.
6. Set a password, select your group and check the TWO “I understand” required boxes to complete your registration.
7. Log in and view your Dashboard.
8. If done correctly, a box will pop up saying activation successful.
Incoming 2028 Dragon Letter
June 7, 2024
Dear Class of 2028 LOHS Dragon:
20 Service Learning Hours are a graduation requirement for all Lake Orion High School students.
Service learning (volunteering) teaches you how to interact in real life settings using the skills and knowledge learned in the classroom. Below is a comment shared by a Senior student on the benefits of Service Learning:
"By giving up a couple hours to volunteer, you are not only making a big difference in someone else’s life, but you will also create a positive awareness in yourself and it will make you feel happy. You are also learning a lot of valuable skills needed in the future for jobs, life, friends and family. It also opens you up to more people in the community you may have never even knew existed and they can become your best friend. Much more comes from putting yourself out there and helping and volunteering around your community."
Service hours are submitted through an online platform, “x2VOL,” which enables you to enter service hours, look for volunteer opportunities, write a valid reflection and receive contact verification, all in one convenient location. You do NOT log any service hours on paper at the high school.
Registration information is already uploaded into the x2VOL system and you may begin accumulating service hours as soon as the first day after completing 8th grade, which this year is June 8. It is YOUR responsibility to finalize the registration of your account. Any summer hours earned MUST be entered by September 30 of the current school year and ALL hours earned during a school year must be entered within 30 days of completing the activity. There is no exception to these deadlines.
Complete directions for creating your x2VOL account can be found at the bottom of this email. Please complete this BEFORE freshman registration day. Instructions for submitting service hours can be found on the school website at Service Learning - Lake Orion Community Schools ( under the “How to Complete a Service Hour Submission” tab. Please use your laptop when accessing x2VOL as opposed to a phone, as it will give you a more thorough view of the website.
As a LOHS Dragon, you will receive monthly emails with local events seeking volunteers and the email is posted on the Service Learning website. Summer service opportunities for 2024 are also posted on the school website.
1. Go to and click JOIN.
2. Click the top link “My school instructed me to complete my registration”.
3. Type in zip code 48360 and select LAKE ORION HIGH SCHOOL.
4.Type in your Last Name and Student ID (complete name, including hyphens if applicable) Press enter.
5. Put in your first and last name. (MUST USE PROPER CAPITALIZATION AND FULL NAME IN POWERSCHOOL- NO NICKNAMES) Verify your birthdate. Click proceed.
6. Set a password (use email password), select your graduation group year and check the required boxes (TWO “I UNDERSTAND” STATEMENTS) and submit to complete your registration.
7. If done correctly, a box will pop up saying activation successful.
How to Complete a Service Hour Submission
Service Hours Entry Form
Activity: Name of the non profit organization or location that you volunteered
Description: The event that you participated in and share/describe what you did
**If you participated at the same organization for multiple times, you may list all dates and times in this section as well. BUT, make sure to submit the opportunity every 30 days
Contact: Name AND email address of the supervisor who will verify your time and participation.
**Make sure you have a valid email address, that you enter the email address correctly and that your contact knows they will be receiving an email from VOLUNTEER VERIFICATION/ x2VOL, not LOHS. Logging correct information is the ONLY way you will receive credit for your hours! x2VOL NEVER calls a contact. You MUST enter a valid email address for hours to be verified!
Hours: The date you volunteered as well as the number of hours you are claiming.
**If you are claiming multiple days/time for an organization at once, you will list the last day you participated here as well as the total number of hours volunteered (individual days and times should be listed in the description section).
Reflection: Reflect on the time that you gave to help/work with others. The reflection needs to be about why you did this act of service and how it impacted both your life and the lives of others. This is a graduation requirement and the reflection must be 4-5 complete sentences. Service is about giving to others. Some ideas to include in this would be why you selected this opportunity, what skills you used and/or gained, how your life has been impacted, and how you had the ability to impact the lives of others. You may also include any additional information that you feel helps to explain your experience or the outcome of your work. Reminder- the reflection tells WHY you did the service, not WHAT you did.
* If any of the above is incorrect or incomplete, your submission may be denied.
* If your submission is denied, please long into your x2VOL account, click the Activity Log and then the "Edit Entry" button on the denied claim. Scroll down to the Comments area for why it was denied and how to resubmit, if possible.
* If a denial is received, most of the time a correction needs to be made and the submission can be resubmitted.
* Not getting paid for your time/work does not automatically mean the event qualifies for Service Hours. Make sure you are submitting hours for non-profit organizations and/or non-profit events.
Rules and Regulations of Hours
Student volunteer hours MUST benefit the community - not a business or other for-profit organization.
Volunteering for family members, friends, neighbors, etc. does not count towards the service hour requirement.
All hours must be completed through non-profit organizations or events that benefit the community.
Babysitting and animal care does not count as service hours.
Service hours should focus on making a positive impact on others.
Hours must be submitted through x2VOL within 30 days of when the event/activity takes place. Any ongoing event, MUST be submitted every 30 days.
Hours completed during the summer must be submitted by September 30th of the fall school year.
Students may begin accumulating service hours as soon as the first day after they have completed 8th grade.
If hours take place over multiple days, please list the days and times in the description area of the submission.
Make sure to read the requirements for the reflection of your submission and complete it thoroughly for each entry.
Once a student submits an entry, an email will be automatically generated and sent to the contact for verification. It is the student's responsibility to follow up for verification.
Hours that have been done for another organization's requirement (court mandated hours, NHS, Leadership, Boy Scouts Eagle Badge, etc.) cannot count towards your graduation requirement – No Double Dipping!
ALL Fundraising events for your group, team or organization do not count for Service Hours.
- The donation of baked goods or other food items DOES NOT count for service hours.
Not getting paid does not automatically mean Service Hours. You cannot volunteer for a company that is a profitable organization and refuse to be paid.
Students cannot verify the participation of other students.
Preapproved service project cards are permitted to be made with a ratio of 8 homemade cards for one hour of service per project. A maximum of one hour may be claimed per service project and a maximum of 5 hours may be claimed in card making over the four years at LOHS. 5 hours maximum per organization may be claimed for card making.
Parents cannot verify their student's participation in a service activity.
Students may NOT submit service hours that are obtained at school during a normal school day or as part of a school sponsored activity.
Participating in a parade as a member of a group or team does NOT count for service hours, however, volunteering with the parade organization does.
Club planning, activities and events you belong to at LOHS does NOT count for service. That is part of being a member of an organization, not community service.
Performances, practices and other operational activities for clubs, classes or groups you belong to DO NOT count for Service Hours.
Don’t limit yourself to just 1 or 2 events or activities. A variety of service experiences allow you to give back to your community, grow as an individual and have a positive influence on others.
If a denial of hours is received, please read the comments/notes on the entry to know why and what (if anything) can be corrected for approval.
Will My Hours Count?
My submission was denied. Now what?
If your submission of hours is denied:
- Log in to your x2VOL account and select the Opportunities and Projects link and under that, the Activity Log (this is where you will see all of your entries)
- Click Edit Entry of the submission that was denied. (denied show a "0" in the "approved hours" section)
- Scroll down to the Comments section which notes the reason your submission was denied. Most of the time, only editing is needed.
- If editing is needed, make the changes, click save, scroll down to the end of the form, click the button that says this submission is true and click Submit again.
- Send an email to that you changed your reflection so it can be reviewed. If you do not do this, your submission will not be approved.
Most common reasons for a submission being denied:
- The reflection, or lack of a reflection (editing needs to take place and the entry can be resubmitted)
- Hours were verified by another student or a parent (can be resubmitted with an adult contact at the location you served)
- Hours were submitted after the 30 day deadline (cannot be resubmitted)
- Hours were done for a business/profitable organization (cannot be resubmitted)
- Hours were done as part of a fundraiser that you receive monetary benefit from (cannot be resubmitted)
- Hours were done for a family member, friend, neighbor, etc. - something done for those listed above should be done out of compassion, not for service hours (cannot be resubmitted)
Questions about submissions and/or denials can be sent to
x2VOL Opportunities
Opportunities can be found in the x2VOL online portal. Once you have logged into your account, click the GREEN "FIND OPPORTUNITIES" button to see all upcoming events and activities.
Events that occur during a certain month are both capitalized and bolded by month.
VERIFIED hours - your contact person has verified your participation.
APPROVED hours - your hours have been approved and accepted by the school.
DENIED hours - something is wrong with the submission. Please refer to comment section of your entry for an explanation.
Earning additional elective credit through Service Hours
Earning Elective Credit - Optional
In addition to the graduation requirement of 20 hours of service, a student may choose to continue to complete additional hours to earn elective high school credit.
A student may choose to earn ½ elective high school credit by completing 90 hours of service within a calendar year. After ½ elective credit is earned, students may choose to complete this cycle one additional time to allow for a total of 1 elective high school credit. In addition, to be awarded credit, the student must fulfill the following requirements:
To Earn 1/2 Elective Credit
- The request to receive credit must be discussed with and approved by the Service Learning Coordinator and your counselor prior to starting the additional hours.
- 90 service hours (All 90 hours must be completed within one calendar year from the date the first service hour is completed).
- Submit the required activity information and reflection(s) to your x2VOL account for all 90 hours (this can be done as the hours are completed).
- When all of your hours are complete, submit a one page written reflection about your Service Learning experience to be reviewed by the LOHS Service Learning Board. You may be requested to meet with the members of the Service Learning Board if additional information is needed.
- After all of the above is completed and approved, the counseling office will be notified to award ½ credit for Service Learning to your transcript.
To Earn additional 1/2 Elective Credit (for a total of 1 Elective Credit)
- Once the initial 1/2 elective credit has been earned, students may apply to earn one additional ½ elective credit. The process for the additional ½ credit will be the same process as the first ½ credit, with additional hours and an additional written reflection.
Students may earn a maximum of 1 elective credit with service hours throughout their Lake Orion High School career.
2025 Alternative Essay Assignment
Alternative Assignment: Instructions for students electing this option
Requirements for completing / fulfilling any remaining service-learning hours with an essay / research paper: It is suggested that students wait until beginning their Senior year before electing this option. However, the alternative assignment has always existed and will continue to be an option for our students to complete their graduation requirement.
Students may write a research paper (rather than completing remaining service hours). For seniors, these essays are due on Friday, April 4, 2025. For 3rd quarter graduates, hours are due the Friday after Winter Break, which is February 21, 2025 and for 2nd quarter graduates, hours are due before Holiday Break, December 13, 2024. Turn It In is active in 2025. All essay submissions will be submitted via Turnitin (plagiarism detection software). Any incidents with plagiarism /artificial intelligence (AI)/ academic misconduct will be subjected to the standards outlined in the LOHS Student Code of Conduct.
LOHS Service Learning Alternative Assignment |
Number of Service Hours Remaining |
Required Pages of Content |
15 – 20.0 |
4 - 5 pages |
10 – 14.9 |
3 - 4 pages |
5.0 – 9.9 |
2 - 3 pages |
0.1 – 4.9* |
1 - 2 pages |
Research Paper Instructions
1. Students must select a topic(s) identified in this document.
2. Research paper will follow MLA guidelines.
3. Formatting will include standard 1” margins, double-spaced, 12-point Calibri or Times New Roman font.
4. To submit your paper: Log into your Turnitin account by going to your ONLINE Office 365.
(Directions to access TurnItIn)
5. Click on the “Enroll in a Class” tab.
· Class/section ID:
· Enrollment key:
6. In the class / assignment, enter your name, and upload your essay. For the submission title, use your last name followed by “SL Essay” (Example: Everitt_SLEssay)
7. Once the essay is submitted, you MUST send an email to with your name in the Subject Line and well as SL Essay. In the email, note that your essay was submitted and the date.
Guidance on writing your essay:
In general, students are instructed to write a research paper / essay relating to volunteerism, community engagement, philanthropy, etc.
Questions regarding the alternative assignment can be emailed to
Students should spend some time organizing a topic and developing their essays. It is permissible for students to approach the research paper with a broad sense (incorporating a variety of the prompts identified below).
Below are some topics and / or guiding questions that might be helpful in organizing your research papers:
· What are some benefits of volunteering in the local community?
· Why is it important for schools (or colleges) to partner with the local community?
· Give an example of an event (i.e. natural disaster) that relied upon or required community action.
Focus on an organization or non-profit entity that is involved with helping others in the community:
· What is the history of this organization (How did it start? How did it grow?)
· Describe their mission / purpose.
· What sort of impact does the organization have on the community?
· What sort of volunteer opportunities exist for people who are interested? How would one go about volunteering for this organization?
· How has the organization been successful? What are some challenges?
For students who have completed some service learning – Write a more detailed reflection / essay:
· What did you do?
· What sort of impact did the work have? How was it beneficial?
· Why was the work important?
· What community service activity have you participated in that has meant the most to you? (Or had the greatest impact).
· What is your favorite memory from performing community service?
· Why did you choose this particular organization?
· What made you decide to volunteer where you did?
· How has your community service changed you?
· How has your community service helped others?
· How has your community service affected your plans for the future?
For students who are interested in a specific college or university (or have already been accepted):
· What community service opportunities are available for students?
· What are some student organizations on campus that are invested in the community?
· As an incoming student, how might your involvement in volunteer opportunities benefit the community and how might volunteerism benefit you as an individual?
· Describe some examples of ways that (insert name) partners with the local community.
· How does the university support the community? How does the community support the school?
LO MOUNTAIN BIKING- 9/7-8, 9/21-22 Support the Lake Orion Dragons Mountain Bike team by helping the Michigan Scholastic Cycling setup, run, and tear down a mountain biking race over two days. Local events take place at Addison Oaks, Stony Creek Metropark, and Maybury State Park. All information is in x2VOL.
KIDS BUILDING MICHIGAN-SEYMOUR LAKE PARK-9/8 Kids Building Michigan is looking for students (14-18 years old) to volunteer at our construction event on Sun, Sept 8. Volunteers will be helping with simple tasks such as set up, handing out goodie bags, rebuilding a demo wall, collecting waivers, handing out lunch. Contact info in x2VOL.
ORION LIBRARY- 9/8, 9/14 There are two events to help at this month, outer space and a performing arts program. Contact info in x2VOL.
MIRACLE LEAGUE @ FRIENDSHIP PARK Friendship Park at the corner of Clarkston and Baldwin hosts Miracle League, an adaptive baseball field for children with special needs. Many of our LO students participate in this team and LOve when our students play with them! One of the most important parts of The Miracle League is the “buddy” system – pairing each player with an able-bodied friend to assist them on and off the field during a two-inning game. Concession help is also needed. Games take place on Saturdays in September and October Please see the signup genius in x2VOL for time and location.
SEPT-OCT- SOCCER BUDDY PROGRAM CLARKSTON Volunteers needed for the TR Buddy Soccer Program beginning on Sept 10. In this program, the volunteers (buddies) will be paired up with a player and assist them each week with the different drills and games that they play. The players in the league are ages 7-14 with cognitive disabilities. Buddies help teach them the game, but most importantly to have fun! No soccer experience is necessary to be a buddy! Contact info in x2VOL.
FRIDAY NIGHT SOCIALS- CLARKSTON Twice a month is a FUN Friday night event in Clarkston with special needs friends. Help is needed with set up, tear down, check in, interacting with guests, playing Bingo, handing out food, watching a movie. Many LOHS students who have volunteered in the past say it is the best night out and leave having had a great night with lots of fun! Sign up genius link in x2VOL.
WELCOME BACK PICNIC @ CARPENTER ELEMENTARY- 9/16 Four volunteers are needed to play games with students at the picnic on Mon, Sept 16 from 5:30-7:30pm at Carpenter Elementary.
ORION FAMILY FUN FEST- 9/18 The Orion Area Youth Assistance sponsors the Orion Family Fun Fest on Wed, Sept 18 and needs many volunteers to make it a success! Please arrive by 4:30 and plan to stay until 8:30pm. Job responsibilities will be helping to set up the event, interacting with elementary students by handing out items or managing a craft table, and helping to clean up the event. Sign up contact in x2VOL.
STADIUM DRIVE ELEMENTARY PTO CHILDCARE-9/18 Two volunteers are needed to assist with childcare during Stadium Elementary PTO meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 6:15-7:30pm. You will be playing games and caring for the school aged children of the PTO members. Contact info in x2VOL.
PTO CHILDCARE @ CARPENTER ELEMENTARY- 9/19 Two volunteers are needed to assist with childcare during a PTO meeting on Thurs, Sept. 19, 6-8pm. You will be playing games and caring for the school aged children of the PTO members.
ORION LIBRARY BOOK SALE- 9/21-28 The Book Sale is a great event at the library that needs many helpers to make it a success. Sorting books, lifting boxes, packing and greeting shoppers are just a few of the responsibilities. Check out x2VOL for all the available time slots to help!
DRAGON TRAILS TRIATHLON- 9/22 The first ever Dragon Trails Triathlon will take place Sun, Sept 22 at Camp Agawam and surrounding areas. Volunteers are needed to assist with set up, check in, passing out water and guiding athletes at various points along the course. Volunteers should plan to help between 8am and 2pm and many shifts are available in the link to the sign up genius in x2VOL!
LAMP OF LEARNING-9/24 & 10/8 Five student volunteers are needed to assist at the Lamp of Learning high school and middle school academic ceremonies on September 24 and October 8 at LOHS from 5 – 8 p.m. Responsibilities include greeting families and passing out programs in the lobby or checking in students and handing out name tags in the commons. Contact in x2VOL.
SCARECROW FESTIVAL-OXFORD- 9/29 Many volunteers are needed for the Scarecrow Festival in downtown Oxford. Activities include applying glitter tattoos, making friendship bracelets, replenishing materials, set up, and clean up. The event is 10-3 and you can volunteer for full or half day. Contact in x2VOL.