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Service Learning

๐Ÿ’šX2VOL LOG IN!!!! Just a reminder- you must log into x2VOL with your school email! And it is VERY picky and case sensitive! Capitalize the FIRST letter in your first and last name or it will NOT let you log in! For example… Same password. If you still experience troubles, click forgot password and it will send a new password link to your school email. (Check both focused and other boxes) and reset the password. Now it should all work for you. Phew! ๐Ÿ’š


A comment from a LOHS senior on Service Learning

"By giving up a couple hours to volunteer, you are not only making a big difference in someone else’s life, but you will also create a positive awareness in yourself and it will make you feel happy. You are also learning a lot of valuable skills needed in the future for jobs, life, friends and family. It also opens you up to more people in the community you may have never even knew existed and they can become your best friend. Much more comes from putting yourself out there and helping and volunteering around your community."

20 Service Hours are a graduation requirement for all Lake Orion High School students earning a diploma.

This program is the integration of education, service and citizenship into the curriculum. Service learning (volunteering) teaches students how to interact in real life settings using the skills and knowledge learned in the classroom.  Providing service to others facilitates the transition from the dependency of childhood to the status of independent, caring adult. Our goal is to help our students to become people who find solutions to problems rather than people who wait for others to respond. 

Service hours are submitted and tracked through the online platform X2VOL.


Questions regarding Service Hours can be emailed to


Service Learning Resources