Cell Out
Cell Out is coming: January 12, 2023
Cell Out for Soldiers contact:
Lori Hogan (lora.hogan@lok12.org), Leadership Advisor, Lake Orion High School, 248-693-5420
This year marks the 9th annual Cell Out for Soldiers event at Lake Orion High School.
During this special day, students are asked to voluntarily give up their cell phones for the entire school day to raise money for the Cell Phones for Soldiers charity. While no student is obligated to participate and students will have access to their phones if needed, we hope that everyone will show their support by taking a break from electronics and social media for the day.
For every student that commits to giving up their cell phone, $1 will be donated by the Leadership class to the Cell Phone for Soldiers charity. In return, each participating LOHS student will receive a t-shirt to signify their solidarity with the soldiers of our country, who sacrifice so much. In addition, there will be a Community Heroes assembly during the day to honor our local military, veterans, EMTs and firefighters.
It might sound crazy to ask teens, in one of the largest high schools in Michigan, to give up their cell phones for a day. However, if any high school can do it.....we can.
If you would like to learn more about the Cell Out for Soldiers program, visit their webpage.
Cell Out 2023